Monday, February 27, 2017

Lueders, Ryanne Madison

For some seniors leaving high school is exciting and for others it’s terrifying. But senior Ryanne Lueders says, “It still hasn’t hit me that I am a senior, honestly. It’s crazy to think I won’t be coming back next year.” Lueders is the daughter of Josh and Melanie and has one younger brother,Colter.
Lueders first joined the Lakeview district in first grade where she attended Shell Creek until her transfer to Pierce in fourth grade. She attended Pierce until the middle of seventh grade but then made her way back to Lakeview her sophomore year.
Each senior has his and hers struggles, but Lueders told us that her hardest transition into senior year was, “Having to balance sports, scholarships, and my college classes while still enjoying my last year with my classmates.” She is involved in basketball, soccer FBLA, FFA, FCA, and NHS. Lueders says, “I’m excited to see all the amazing things out class will do in the future with how intelligent and competitive we are.”
After high school Lueders plans to attend Northeast Community College to play soccer, then transfer to Wayne State to get her undergrad in pre-chiropractic. After that she hopes to go to either Northwestern Health Sciences University, or Palmer College of Chiropractic to receive her doctorate of chiropractic. The future for Ryanne is looking big and bright and we wish her luck on her journey to the future.

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